George Strait's Classic Christmas was originally released in 2006, exclusive only to Hallmark Gold Crown stores. But thanks to the festive folks at MCA Nashville, Classic Christmas has been reissued for more people to enjoy. Consider it a sequel to Strait's 1999 holiday hayride Merry Christmas Wherever You Are. Much like that album, Classic Christmas blends Santa Claus-steeped standards like "Jingle Bells," "O Christmas Tree" and "Deck The Halls" with more spiritual-based carols like "Silent Night," "We Three Kings" and "O Come, All Ye Faithful." But where Strait's first holiday album contained more secular tunes that went well with cookies and eggnog, Classic Christmas leans harder on the devotional standards that go better with candles and hymnals. And like the album's predecessor, Strait dresses these winter ditties with classically twangy country music trimmings. Dig the fiddles and high-lonesome harmonies on "Hark, The Herald Angels Sing" or the western swing vibe on "Up On The Housetop."
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Collegandoti tramite Spotify o Apple accetti di ricevere notizie da Legacy Recordings e Sony Music. Per ulteriori informazioni su come utilizziamo i tuoi dati, consulta i collegamenti seguenti.
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